Thesis in PhD-Cognitive Science

ACC-No. Title of the Project Work Name of the student Roll No. Name of the Supervisor
T529 An Experimental Study on Visual Metaphor Amitash Ojha 200799011 Bipin Indurkhya
T896 Neural Correlates of Narrative Empathy: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study Kavita Vemuri 200899010 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T1282 Number- Time Interaction: Search for a Generalized Magnitude System Anju Kumar Shukla 201590641 Bapi Raju Surampudi
T1303 Design of Authentication Protocols in IOT-enabled Smart Agriculture Environment Anusha Vangala 2019801004 Ahosk kumar Das
T1304 Text Classification for Telugu: Datasets, Embeddings and Models for Downstream NLP tasks Mounika Marreddy 20172152 Radhika Mamidi
T1326 Fairness in Artificial Intelligence based Decision Making Manish, P 20172145 Sujit P Gujar